Big shout outs to Alex, Cara, Julie, and Caitlin. You guys ROCKED this summer!! And of course, can't forget about the international basketball players from 1-Dream that I had the pleasure to work with for 4 weeks. What a transformation they made from day 1 to the last session!!
Q & A column?! YES!!

Anyways, just wanted to let all of you that may read this thing regularly that I'm now going to post a weekly (or monthly, depends on how many questions and response I get) Q & A column. Send me ANY question you may have about training, muscle gain, how to get stronger, faster, jump higher, lose fat, nutritional questions, etc.. Basically ANYTHING that will relate to YOU reaching your goals FASTER than you ever imagined. A couple rules though..

1.) PLEASE be specific in your question. General questions will get general answers.
2.) Please be patient. The best way to get your questions answered is to be specific, leave your name and I will do my absolute best to answer you in a timely manner. If you are rude or demanding, you can be sure that I WON'T answer. Fair enough? =) Of course!
3.) Be aware that not ALL questions will get answered; if I get a boatload of questions that are all very similar, it will for sure get posted to the blog. Just be sure to check back frequently-- trust me, it's worth it!!
4.) If you have a question, you may e-mail me at and in the subject line make sure you put the words "Q and A". Otherwise your email may not be reviewed. Also, your questions MAY be put onto the website. I will keep your first name and last initial only for privacy purposes if it gets posted to the site. This is to help address others that may have similar questions.
OK enough rambling!! Send away.. Let the learning and discussions begin! This will also help me address some common myths, questions, concerns, etc about training. TRUST ME, there are MANY out there. Don't worry though-- I'm here to dispel those once and for all!
See ya guys in a couple days.
Thanks for reading!
John Cortese, YFS
PS- Have you checked out Prograde Nutrition ?!? This is by far one of the BEST, trustworthy, NO BULLSHIT nutritional supplement companies out there that actually cares about YOU. I highly recommend it! John Cortese "Seal of Approval"!! Would I steer you wrong?! NO WAY!
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