The biggest weapon you can have in your arsenal of training is.......
.....Still with me? Good.. Just checking.
IMO, it is a truly well-designed, pre-planned/outlined program that is structured, well thought out, and makes sense!
I know, anyone out there can make up a training program and have their athletes do it, BUT.. I like to look at many variables..
1.) Does the plan suit the athlete's goals?
2.) Are the exercises appropriate for the experience and level of the athlete?
3.) Is the volume too much or too little?
4.) Are there enough days off in the given training cycle to let them recover?
5.) Are other variables addressed if needed?
There are probably more, but off the top of my head these stick out as the ones I like to focus on when looking at Long Term Athlete Development. Yes I prefer to focus on the long-term, not what an athlete can do in 6 weeks.
One particular training product that is fool-proof, time-tested again and again, PLANNED OUT WEEKS/MONTHS IN ADVANCE, and gets RESULTS is GPP Essentials DVD from world reknown speed training expert Charlie Francis. In it highlights many training means to reach the ends, including weights, speed work, medicine ball training, abdominal training, weekly set ups, periodized weekly set ups, etc. Not only is this is a GREAT addition to any training library, but it will truly change your outlook on proper speed development for athletes. You can modify the plan to suit each individual's needs, but the principles lie within.

Speaking from experience, I have had my best results ever as far as speed enhancement goes in my athletic career while under a properly designed program based on Coach Francis' training methods. The GPP DVD is where I got started and will continue to use in the future.
In short, do yourselves a favor and head over to the Charlie Francis Community, a web forum dedicated to athletic performance and training. Check out the GPP DVD and if you have questions, post away!
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